Friday, August 14, 2009

Green Tips For August - Conserving Water

1. Repair leaks. According to the American Water Works Association, leaks account for 5.5% of residential water use. This amounts to approximately 21.9 gallons per household, per day.

2. Replace older toilets with high efficiency toilets. Toilets use the largest amount of water inside the home. This makes them a great target for water savings.

3. Replace your old clothes washer with a high efficiency clothes washer. Clothes washers use the second largest amount of water inside the home.

4. Water only when your plants need it. According to landscape professionals, over-watering is the most common problem associated with home landscape.

5. Plant the right plants for our arid climate. With increasing demand for water and reduced supply (due to both climatological and regulatory constraints), southern California landscapes need to transition from traditional turf-intensive landscapes to California Friendly landscapes.

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